And before I go any further I just want to say: Marty, Marty, Marty...I am so happy for you! I can only imagine what it must have been like to finally hear your name called and to raise that golden statue after such a long and amazing career in the "pictures". Maybe winning an Oscar doesn't necessarily reflect what you have given us for so many years; for God's sake I hope you know you were beyond Oscars before the Eighties, but know how important is was to you and to us fans of yours. You have made kids like me realize that working in film is not only a viable way to make a living, but that it's possible to be GREAT at it. You help build dreams and that is a beautiful thing; if I had my way, you would have 5 or 6 Oscars. Please don't ever stop, don't Ever STOP.
I have to say that Oscar night left me pretty happy. I wish that Peter O'Toole would have finally won that acting award he so deserves, but Forrest Whitaker is a phenomenal alternative. Seeing Scorcese win made me eternally happy and Alan Arkin coming out of nowhere to win over Eddie Murphy was a huge bonus. Some other Oscar thoughts:
- I'm sorry, maybe it makes me weird or perverted, but Helen Mirren is a beautiful, beautiful woman. If I reach the age of 60 (God be good) and my wife looks that good I will be more than thankful.
- Hey Reese...congratulations on making my power rankings.

- I somehow get the feeling that Leo is going to be the new Peter O'Toole. A lot of nominations, but for some reason no one feels fit to give him the win.
- I hate to say it, but I guess American Idol works.

- These are my guys. MY GUYS! Well, actually go ahead and take out Coppola and put in Jim Cameron and then we'll be good. Still, what a great picture. The best of their generation.
2006 was a good movie year. I hope it continues and we have a good one coming for 2007 (even though I doubt that with shit like Ghost Rider and The Number 23). No matter that a lot of critics have decried that this will be the worst movie year in ages, I think we have a lot of promise. For God's sake, you have to optimistic about a year that includes a new 'Spider-Man' movie! These were my favorites from last year, Academy Awards or not:
My favorites from 2006:
- The Departed
- Pan's Labyrinth
- Little Miss Sunshine
- Casino Royale
- The Prestige
- United 93
- Dead Man's Shoes (2004)
- The Proposition (2005)
- Brick (2005)
Helen Mirren does have a nice rack for a women her age.
I didn't think Number 23 was that bad. It was better than Liar Liar.
The Departed owns.
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