Today, not so much. Seemed like half of the day's games got postponed or delayed because of national rainstorms (all thanks to the terrorists and their diabolical weather machine). The only saving grace with the weather is that Jeff Francis and his awful outing got erased from my fantasy score due to the game getting called. I had to work and didn't get to watch the Reds get gunned down by Brandon Webb & Co. 3 hits and 10 Ks? Won't be getting to 87 wins if the offense stays that quiet for long stretches. It looked like the team had a nice tribute to Nuxie though.

I tried to rush home to catch at least the last inning, but the game ended right as I booted up the computer. And now it looks like has fucked me over by not working at all. I haven't been able to watch anything other than a few glitchy snatches of innings from a few different games. I did get to see Kerry Wood cough it up in the ninth, but missed Gag-me doing the same minutes later. Hopefully this was a harbinger of things to come for both teams. How funny would it be if the Reds end up having the stablest bullpen in the division this season?
Trying to watch the Braves game now, but still no feed coming to my computer. I upgraded to the better package this year. Hopefully that's not going to be a waste of $120. Bad day for baseball.
. . . the Georgia spring game is this weekend.
Hey I hear the Reds are trying to work a trade for Mark Prior. Dusty loves the guy....Unc G
Yeah right...I can't wait until Cincinnati wins a World Series during Dusty's tenure and bitter Cubs fans have another thing to whine about.
I hate you
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