Also, I do not recommend driving into the city. It should be borderline criminal to own a vehicle within city limits. How does anyone ever get around or get anywhere on time? Traffic was ok until I hit 87 -- then BAM! slow crawl the remainder. I turned a bend around Pelham/Mt. Vernon and there it was, the gorgeous monstrosity of Manhattan. Google Maps failed me hard; I got off the highway and drove around what I thought was Queens for about 45 minutes, only to find out I was in the Bronx. A mass of vehicles and no lanes on the Triborough Bridge to Queens. Luckily I was freaking out about the bumper-to-bumper traffic and where I was going, so I didn't have the time or peace of mind to freak out about the fucking terrifying bridge I was on. Too many bridges. I got stuck in traffic on the GW Bridge a few years ago and man let me tell you -- not a fun feeling.

Saturday was Yankee Stadium, the game, a very short walk in Central Park, much subway confusion, late lunch in Little Italy (the North End is better), and adieu to NYC. I was ready to leave and anxious for Mass. and the smaller but equally grand charms of home -- the evidence seen clearly on the rental car's speedometer. New York City: a magical delirium of noise, marvels, and $-signs.
A short list of things I saw:
- the Brooklyn Bridge
- Rockefeller Center
- brief glimpse of the park
- Wall St. & the NYSE
- a couple of Trump buildings
- Tiffany's
- the site of Gen. Washington's inauguration
- a replica of the Mayflower from afar
- the Statue of Liberty from very afar
- Battery Park
- Yankee & Shea Stadiums
- the millionaire and rich CEO helicopter landing pier and some very big Staten Island ferries
- street merchants! foakley's! bootleg videos! fake rolexes!
At one point, Joe and I were walking around Lower Manhattan, lost and trying to find our way after jumping off the subway. These were literally my first sights of Manhattan and I was more than a little disoriented. Suddenly I remarked to Joe: "Hey, I wonder what that big open space is...that real estate must be worth a fortune. I can't believe nothing's there." Joe looked at it, then me, then after a second he replied: "I think that's Ground Zero."
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