Sunday, April 6, 2008


They came. The weekend was cold and grey and wet and still they came like an unstoppable rebel force. First weekend of April and the tourists have descended like human-locusts on Salem. Almost overnight our quiet, seaside town of winter has transformed into a crush of humanity. The calendar flips a page, the season starts, and we become the equivalent of a plague victim relocation center.

I stumbled out the door yesterday about noon to grab a serene, greasy breakfast to cure my hangover. I was not expecting the crowded sidewalks, the clogged streets, or the 30 minute wait in line for some bacon and eggs thanks to a visiting high school band field trip. Too many helter skelter kids, too many senior groups all wearing the same matching yellow and purple t-shirts, too many gawking idiots taking pictures of the neighborhood liquor store (it's called the Bunghole -- not all that funny).

Right now, in the beginning, it's amusing and almost kind of nice. I think, "hey, I live in a really cool place that people want to see!" But it gets old fast. Your commute gets slower, you get a bit claustrophobic walking down the street sometimes, more assholes come out of the woodworks to almost hit you on your bike cuz they aren't paying attention, and your spot at the bar in the neighborhood pub is not as easy to claim, even on days when you'd think it would be slow as hell. The ferry to Boston does start running and there will be lots of stuff to do come summer, but I know that I'll breathe a sigh of relief come November 1st. Let's start the insanity...


Me said...

Oh what a picture you paint, all those silly tourists just commercing away. So many tarot cards to buy, so little time.
(Ha! Ten point to me.)

I felt that same pain in Charleston this weekend. My ususal hole-in-the-wall on the beach with the best breakfast in town, was mobbed.

Lilo said...

Also, with that title, I was hoping for some sappy movie type of story where you have a magical weekend with some hot latina tourist who cries when she must go home on Monday morning and leave you behind.

But it sounds like it was just the band kids. Shame.

The Dunce Cap Marvel said...

No, I guess I was more referencing that crappy slasher movie about the snooty American tourists who get massacred/slaughtered by crazy Brazilian locals -- or something like that. I never saw the movie; just trying to convey a sense of horror.

Me said...

If you need me to help you massacre the tourists, I am down.

The slaughter however, I cannot support.

There is a big difference. Huge.

(Five points to you)

Anonymous said...

Slaughter? Massacre? Come on already been done. *boring* Lada/DCM think! Get some elegance in your evil..Unc G

Me said...

Ah crap, are we boring? It is a shame we cannot all be as brilliantly brutal as you, UG.