Tuesday, April 18, 2006

25 reasons why I am a nerd*

25) Twi'leks are hot.

24) My dream presidential ticket would include Albus Dumbledore and Gandalf the Grey. Conan the Barbarian would serve as Secretary of Defense.

23) I own a lightsaber.

22) Up - Up - Down - Down - Left - Right - Left - Right - B - A - B - A - Select - Start.

21) In the past few days I've rediscovered the glorious wonder that is Final Fantasy IX. I've since logged about 25 hours into it.

20) I think this is one of the funniest websites I've seen in ages. Ninjas rule!

19) The worst thing you can call me is a Trekkie. Although I do agree with Mr. Campbell that Star Trek: TNG, while it can never be as recognized, is far superior to the original.

18) I get 98% of Seth McFarlane's jokes.

17) I've been to a convention.

16) Two of the most intriguing characters in modern English literature are Batman and Anakin Skywalker.

15) Am I the only person who thinks the 'Legend of Zelda' would make a good video-game movie?

14) Contrary to popular belief, Trolls are NPCs and cannot level up.

13) I don't fear the bird flu. I fear deadly outbreaks of zombie attacks. George Romero doesn't make movies; he makes documentaries that can serve as survival guides when the shit hits the fan.

12) Finding out the name of the Childlike Empress was a major turning point in my life. Everything that happens here on out will be deemed post-Moonchild.

11) I directed, produced, and starred in my own Star Wars fan film.

10) Even though I hate Harry Knowles with a passion, I make a point to check his website throughout the week.

9) I've camped out for movie tickets.

8) I wrote a blog about how Superman sucks.

7) The Three Laws of Robotics are . . .

6) I have to constantly explain myself after I quote obscure movies.

5) If the Holy Trinity was composed of George Lucas, Stephen Spielberg, and James Cameron, I would be Ok with that.

4) You saw the 'Lord of the Rings' movies, but you are ignorant of the fact that Fingolfin is the coolest elf this side of Middle-Earth cuz you didn't read 'The Silmarillion.' I did.

3) Comic books are the new books.

2) I went to see 'Monsters, Inc.' in theaters just to see a 30 second 'Episode II' teaser. The feature was good too.

1) I heart Star Wars.

* And damn proud of the fact.

1 comment:

nothing said...

i'll give you one reason you're not a nerd: you just wrote 25 point funny list.

Xunis's Word