Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Big Bang or bust

Well, I guess in about an hour some nutjobs in Switzerland are going to attempt to recreate the Big Bang. Hey, wait a minute, doesn't that sound like a dumb idea? I certainly think so. I'm not a physicist, so I don't know if this huge particle collider machine can create black holes or melt reality or what, but I sure don't see the logic in attempting to re-enact something that only -- wait for it -- CREATED THE UNIVERSE. And for what purpose? So some snobby MIT scientists can prove their theories correct and stroke their egos?

Supposedly it's safe and I'm just some medieval Luddite afraid to come out of his cave into the light, but when I read one of the chief physicists working on the project say --

"You're talking about such incredible power inside both the accelerator and detectors that you never really know until you turn it all on what's going to happen."

-- I tend to worry just a tad. And if the LHC can possibly uncover new discoveries that contradict current theories, couldn't one of those discoveries be that it actually CAN destroy the known universe? But I guess these are the same guys who weren't sure if the atomic bomb would incinerate the atmosphere and still ended up pushing the button just to see "what would happen." I mean, sometimes I find myself wishing the world would end, but I didn't think anyone would actually attempt it. If science is so positive there is no god, then why the need for Man to be Him?

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